creez un post google map

Create a Post on Google map

Quickly write personalized messages from your phone, tablet or computer.

Publiez sur Google map

Publish It On Google map

The posts appear directly in your Google map listing, in Google search results, even if you don't have a website, and in Google Map search results.

Analysez avec Google map

Identify What Works on Google map

Get statistics on your posts in the Google Map dashboard

google map message

Communicate through google map with your customers

Build customer loyalty by promoting online interaction, through your listing on google map.

information Google map

Update Your Google Listing Anytime

Determine for yourself what users see when they search for your business. You have the tools you need to update your listing and interact with nearby customers from your phone, tablet or computer.

google map information a jour

Generate More Sales With Your Photos on Google Map

Attract new customers by offering photos of your products or iconic dishes on your menu. You can add as many as you want, and they allow you to highlight the specificities of your establishment.

Update Your Information on Google Map Your Users Find You Easily

You may need to adjust your opening hours for the holiday season or add a phone number. It is possible to make these changes very easily. Your listing is then updated in Google and on Google Maps.

Retain your Customers by Dialoguing with them on Google map

Today, reviews can take the form of a conversation between you and your customers. Be the first to know when you receive a new notice, so you can respond immediately.